Talim is an alternative method for weaving carpet designs, providing code-based instructions for weavers. It determines the number of knots to weave and color instructions in code form to the weavers.
For accessing Talim go to CarpeTools >> Talim...
You can customize various parameters to obtain the optimal Talim Output according to your requirements, including:
It identifies the number of weavers.
Block Size
It modifies the count of the number of knots per color by adjusting the block size.
Here, the alphabet indicates the color, and the number indicates the count of knots to weave.
It breaks down the number of rows so that the weavers can take a break after completing certain rows.
It randomizes the Block Size to ensure seamless weaving.
The Talim Output will appear on the right.
After customizing all the settings according to your needs, you can select SAVE TALIM TEXT to save the Talim output.
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