Upload designs, colors and rooms in your exploRUG account more efficiently using File Manager.
Here are the steps on how to use the File Manager:
- Go to this link: http://explorug.com/FileManager/ from Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser and click on Run. This will download the application.
2. Enter your Admin username and password to login.
After successful login, you will get a window as shown below:
3. Add Designs, Colors and Rooms separately and click on Update individually to upload.
Save the design file in .CTF format in Galaincha (go to File>>Save As.. and select .CTF file format in Galaincha).
Adding files:
If you have to upload new designs in exploRUG, simply drag the .CTF file from your drive location and drop it to the respective folder in the File Manager as shown below:
The newly copied design file will be shown in the folder. Please follow the same process for other designs which you want to upload. When you are done copying the files, make sure that you press the ‘Update’ button to make the changes permanent.
Adding folders:
Similar to adding files, if you want to add folder, drag the folder from Windows to the file manager. The folder should contain at least one .CTF file. Otherwise, the folder will not be visible.
Renaming files:
To rename file, select the file and click on the file again.
The filename will be highlighted as shown above. Change the filename but make sure that you do not change the extension (.ctf).
Deleting files:
To delete file, select the file and press delete. You will get confirmation window as shown below:
Press ‘Yes’ to confirm the delete.
To make the changes permanent, you need to click on Update after all operations. The changes will be visible in the exploRUG interface.
- Click on Add button
- Select the color database in .XML file format created in Galaincha or select the XML file from C:\Documents\Galaincha\Color Databases if you already have the colors uploaded in Galaincha.
- Click on Update button to add the new color database to the existing color set.
- Process the room illustrations in Galaincha using My Room Tool.
- Save the room file in .CRF file format.
- Drag and drop the room file (.CRF) in Remote Rooms folder.
- Click on Update button to upload the room illustrations in exploRUG.
Note: The Beta version of Online File Manager tool can now be accessed via Admin Tools.
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