Process Tools in Galaincha:
Replicate tool:
Replicate tool repeats the duplicate pattern of selected area under different category.
Horizontal - It tiles the selected area horizontally.
Vertical - It tiles the selected area vertically.
Border - It tiles the selected area only in border area.
Entire - It tiles the selected area entirely in the canvas.
Brick - It tiles the selected area in brick layer form.
Every option from Replicate tool offers further three options Named Normal, Auto Spacing and Flip.
Normal - It tiles the selected area normally.
Auto Spacing - It tiles the selected area in the canvas maintaining the space automatically.
Flip - It tiles the selected area in Flipped manner.
Selection tool allows the perfect selection with following options:
It is especially useful for the designs which are quarter repeats or half repeats.
For Traditional designs, Select tool is used for perfect selection so that it could be reflected perfectly.
Mirror Tools :
Mirror tool reflects the selected area under different categories:
The mirror tool offers further three options named Opposite, Immediate and Hinged.
Opposite – It reflects the selected area at the opposite side of canvas.
Immediate – It reflects the selected area normally.
Hinged – It reflects the selected area reducing the common knots.
Opposite Horizontal reflection of selected area can be seen in the image above.
Hinged Horizontal reflection of selected area. It deducts the common knot or lines so we get single knot or line difference between selected area and reflected area.
Flip in Place
This tool allows us to reflect the selected area with in the selected area.
Implementation of Flip in Place
Select the pattern.
Copy the pattern in the new layer and move it to the needed place.
Select the option ‘Flip in Place >> Flip Vertical’ from Mirror tool.
Add same detail differently in Flip in Place
- Select motif
- Copy it to new layer
- Choose the option ‘Flip in Place >> Flip Vertically’ from Mirror tool
- Move it to the appropriate place
- Merge down the layer
It reflects the border patterns at the corner. It is the special tool found only in Galaincha.
- Create any pattern for Border after drawing the border lines.
- Select the pattern.
- Select the option “Border Reflection >> Top Left” from mirror tool.
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