Step Gradient Tool
- Drag a nob to adjust the gradient.
- Press Enter to finish and Esc to undo.
* Right click to reverse the color.
Variations offered by Step Gradient tool
Defining steps in the Step Gradient Tool
- Click on mode option.
- Click on profile.
- Enter the number of steps for gradient.
* We generally apply gradient tool to define steps for the carpet having gradient texture.
Design with Linear Gradient Effect Background
Gradient Tool in implementation
- Choose colors as primary and secondary color.
- Create a gradient texture for the background from CarpeTools>>Create>> Texture>>Gradient.
- Try the different options offered by it.
* Texture created by the gradient is not graphable as is it not a solid patch of color it is only for demonstration.
- Create a new layer
- Select Selection Gradient Tool
- Choose linear option
- Fix the gradient steps
Managing a layer
- Place the layer with design on the top layer.
- Place the Gradient texture at the middle layer.
- Place the Gradient at bottom layer.
* Generally gradient tool is used to create a solid patch of color for graph where mix ply is applied for gradient effect.
* Layer with gradient texture is not for graph. So make sure that the layer is off while printing a graph.
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