WizCraft is a simple and easiest way to convert an artwork into weaveable graph just by entering the number of colors and specifying the waste percentage.
WizCraft Interface
- COLORS: For specifying the number of colors to be extracted for the design
- COMPLEXITY: For specifying the waste percentage in the design (Higher the complexity value, detailed is the extraction. Lower the complexity value, simplified is the extraction )
- Crafted Rug Artwork: Preview of the design after being simplified
- Crafted Rug Visualization: Preview of the design as real rug visualization
Steps to use WizCraft
- Open the artwork in Galaincha
- Resize the artwork as per the requirement
- Go to (CarpeTools>> Clean >>WizCraft)
- Specify the number of colors and complexity percentage as desired and click on “CRAFT”
- Once the artwork is converted, you can compare the original design alongside the crafted result by staying on “Crafted Rug Artwork ”.
- Click on “Crafted Rug Visualization” to view the visualization of the crafted design
- Click on Export once you get the desired result
Click here to follow this tutorial on YouTube.
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